Pancake Factory
Did you ever think that those light, fluffy pancakes could be experienced in the form of fascinating aromas and throat hits? The Pancake Factory makes it possible with its wide range of e-juices embodying fabulous pancake combinations.
For instance, the Blueberry Pancake brings you a thick and fluffy stack of pancakes with a twist; gorgeous pancake flavours are mixed with sweet and jammy blueberries for a fruity twist. Apple Cinnamon brings these pancakes into something new with large chunks of sweet, freshly picked apples and a decent dusting of cinnamon. If you are in the mood for some dessert, the Lemon Souffle is exactly what you are looking for. It is tastes exactly like it sounds - pancakes topped with a fluffy and creamy sweet lemon dessert. Snikkers is a favourite of many, so you can imagine when pancake drizzles in warm and creamy chocolate come with slight nutty and caramel notes.
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