If you’re frustrated by the staying power of your budget vaping battery, try this supercharged, GS EGO III 3200mAh Battery. According to our calculations, this souped-up cell will give you around 45% more vapes per charge than the 2200mAh version. Amazingly, GS achieve this BIG increase in battery capacity with a tiny increase in size. This EGO III 3200mAh model weighs-in at only 78g and measures a miniscule, 19.5mm x 103mm.
Even with increased staying power, GS haven’t compromised on the quality of their classic vaping battery design. The 3200mAh EGO III still comes with sleek looks, easy operation and premium safety features.
The EGO battery is a true, one-button device. Five fast clicks on the Fire button turn the battery on and off. The Fire button has a built-in LED. As the battery level decreases, the LED will flash blue. When the EGO III is close to minimum power, the LED turns red. Your EGO III 3200mAh battery requires a USB charging cable(not supplied). This can be plugged into any handy USB power source.
This kit doesn’t include a clearomizer. The connector at the top of the battery has dual threading to handle either eGo clearomizers or 510 threaded atomizers. This model is compatible with an incredibly wide range of vaping clearomizers and tanks.
As well as delivering more vapes per charge, this authentic GS EGO III 3200mAh battery comes in stunning range of fashionable colours. Choose from 8 different colour options
Note: This high power battery doesn’t come with a clearomizer or e liquid. Click this link to add a clearomizer from the models in our extensive selection. Click here to select one of our low-cost e liquids.
1 x GS EGO II 3200mAh Battery
1 x User Instructions
GS EGO II 3200mAh Battery Features:
Size: 103mm x 19.5mm
Weight: 78g
Connector: eGo/510 dual threading
Style: High power vaping battery – 1 button operation
Clearomizer not included
Battery capacity: 3200mAh
Direct output – full battery power applied to clearomizer
5 clicks on Fire button to switch on & off
Simple to use - single Fire button (press to vape)
Flashing LED displays faults & battery level
Life expectancy of more than 300 charge cycles
Designed to power mouth-to-lung clearomizers & tanks
3200mAh battery capacity delivers more vapes per charge
GS EGO II 3200mAh Battery Compatibility:
The connector on this battery is compatible with both eGo and 510 threaded clearomizers, atomizers and tanks. Please check the user instructions for details of compatible atomizer resistances. Click here to add one of our Clearomizers to your order.
Even with increased staying power, GS haven’t compromised on the quality of their classic vaping battery design. The 3200mAh EGO III still comes with sleek looks, easy operation and premium safety features.
The EGO battery is a true, one-button device. Five fast clicks on the Fire button turn the battery on and off. The Fire button has a built-in LED. As the battery level decreases, the LED will flash blue. When the EGO III is close to minimum power, the LED turns red. Your EGO III 3200mAh battery requires a USB charging cable(not supplied). This can be plugged into any handy USB power source.
This kit doesn’t include a clearomizer. The connector at the top of the battery has dual threading to handle either eGo clearomizers or 510 threaded atomizers. This model is compatible with an incredibly wide range of vaping clearomizers and tanks.
As well as delivering more vapes per charge, this authentic GS EGO III 3200mAh battery comes in stunning range of fashionable colours. Choose from 8 different colour options
Note: This high power battery doesn’t come with a clearomizer or e liquid. Click this link to add a clearomizer from the models in our extensive selection. Click here to select one of our low-cost e liquids.
1 x GS EGO II 3200mAh Battery
1 x User Instructions
GS EGO II 3200mAh Battery Features:
Size: 103mm x 19.5mm
Weight: 78g
Connector: eGo/510 dual threading
Style: High power vaping battery – 1 button operation
Clearomizer not included
Battery capacity: 3200mAh
Direct output – full battery power applied to clearomizer
5 clicks on Fire button to switch on & off
Simple to use - single Fire button (press to vape)
Flashing LED displays faults & battery level
Life expectancy of more than 300 charge cycles
Designed to power mouth-to-lung clearomizers & tanks
3200mAh battery capacity delivers more vapes per charge
GS EGO II 3200mAh Battery Compatibility:
The connector on this battery is compatible with both eGo and 510 threaded clearomizers, atomizers and tanks. Please check the user instructions for details of compatible atomizer resistances. Click here to add one of our Clearomizers to your order.